Hello professor,I'M Briseida.My url is http//

Thursday, March 01, 2007

ALUMNA: Briseida Sánchez M.



Over the last thirty years, playing videogames has become a preferred chilhood activity. Nowadays, children grow up playing videogames in the
morning, in the afternoon and often in the evening. There are some kinas of
videogames that can be good for children because they may be a friendly way
of introducing children to computer’s, and may increase children´s hand-eye coordination and attention to detail, but in spite of there are some kinds of videogames that can be inadequate because their violence content can have negative effects on children. Therefore, videogames may be harmful to children for three reasons : videogames may affect children’s physical health,
may lead poor academic performance and may cause negative effects in children´s personalities .
First of all, videogames may affect children’s physical health, including
Obesity, video-induced seizures, and postural, muscular and skeletal disorders
such as tendonitis , nerve compression, carpa tunnel syndrome , triggering epileptic seizures , heart rate and blood pressures changes. Studies about videogames ill effects in children have found that there are a corelation with
videogames use in thirth dimension and possible disorders in the central nervous system, which does govern the body’s funcionating. The electronic
screen in thirth dimension cause fatigue in few time, if children spend many time playing videogames, they will be force their body to soport this pression
but they doesn´t matter. Pediatrics recommend that children not spend more that one to two hours per day in front of all electronic screens in thirth dimension because may be harm for children.
Second, videogames may lead to poor academia performance. If children
spend too many hours playing videogames each day, when they try to do their homework, probably they will be tired . Also they careless their homework and they can’t conclude their homework on time. Furthermore, reading require concentration and mental processes,if children spend all their
free time playing videogames, they don’t practice enough time to learn how
to read.Videogames attract all their attention and interest, for this reason ,
children careless their school work. Consequently, thet will not learn their
lessons and could even fail in school.
Finally,videogames may cause negative effects in children’s personalities.
Violent videogames can lead to antisocial behavior in children, lead to delin-
quency, teach children that using violence is an appropiate way to solve problems, allow players to become emotionally involved with their character
and take joy in violence. Also videogames play on the user’s emotions.This
may stimulate the brains’s lobe, which does emotion processing, without stimulating the left lobe, which is more retional and puts things into context.
This may be the answer to why violent videogames can be correlated with agressive behavior . Researchers have found,the more realistic the game is the stronger the negative impact.
In conclusion, if children play videogames their health and their persona-
lities can be harmed. Furhermore, their progress in their school can be affected.

NOMBRE. Briseida Sánchez M.
1. Choose from the list above the correct alternative for the use of the comma, Between items in a series:
A. ? In the last, 3 years I have traveled to, Canada Japan Brasil London France and, Italy.
B. ? In the last 3 years, I have traveled to, Canada, Japan, Brasil, London, France and Italy.
C. :-) In the last 3 years I have traveled to Canada, Japan, Brasil, London, France and Italy.
Choose from the list above the correct alternative for the use of the comma, Between items in a series:
:-) Mariana ate this morning, toast bread with butter, eggs, cereal, orange juice and coffe.
? Mariana, ate this morning toast bread with butter, eggs, cereal, orange juice and coffe.
? Mariana ate this morning, toast bread with butter eggs cereal orange juice and coffe.
Choose from the list above the correct alternative for the use of the comma, Between two or more adjectives preceding a noun:
? The burnet tall man, told me that the store was closed.
:-) The burnet, tall man told me that the store was closed.
? The burnet tall man told me, that the store was closed.
4. Choose from the list above the correct alternative for the use of the Choose from the list above the correct alternative for the use of the comma, Between the clauses of a compound sentence:
:-) He never arrived, so I went by myself to the party.
? He never arrived so, I went by myself to the party.
? He never arrived, so I went by myself, to the party
Choose from the list above the correct alternative for the use of the semicolon:
? My husband; went to the beach I went to a party.
:-) My husband went to the beach; I went to a party.
? My husband went to the beach I; went to a party.
Choose from the list above the correct alternative for the use of the semicolon:
? In the trailer; we packed our sleeping bags which were very heavy.
? In the trailer we packed; our sleeping bags which were very heavy.
:-) In the trailer we packed our sleeping bags; which were very heavy
Choose from the list above the correct alternative for the use of the semicolon:
? As; I was studying the postman rang twice.
:-) As I was studying; the postman rang twice.
? As I was studying the postman; rang twice.
Choose from the list above the correct alternative for the use of the semicolon:
? Summer in the desert is very hot the cactus plant; is well adapted for survival there.
? Summer; in the desert is very hot the cactus plant is well adapted for survival there.
:-) Summer in the desert is very hot; the cactus plant is well adapted for survival there.
Choose from the list above the correct alternative for the use of the semicolon:
X I have often tried to grow; African violets I have never been successful.
:-) I have often tried to grow African violets; I have never been successful.
? I have often; tried to grow African violets I have never been successful.
comma, Between the clauses of a compound sentence:
? The cat chased, the mouse and the mouse ran away.
? The cat, chased the mouse, and the mouse ran away.
:-) The cat chased the mouse, and the mouse ran away.

period, question marks and exclamation point
Matching exercise
Match the items on the right to the items on the left. the items on the right are the examples of the diferent uses of the period, question marks abd exclamation point at your left side.
Principio del formulario
Ave. (avenue) Co. (company) St. (street) blvd. (boulevard)
why are you happy? because i pass the exam.
good afternoon. good night. good morning.
Periods are used after anacceptable expression wich is not a complete sentences, such a salulation.
Dear Mr. martinez im writing you this letter just to thanks for your help
Periods are used after abbreviations in ordinary writing.
she asked me if you were interesting to buy the carpet.
Periods are used at the end of an idirect question.
stella is very good at maths.
Periods are used after a complete statement.
what do you want for dinner?
A question mark is used after a direct question, one that calls for an answer.
do you like chocolate, don`t you?
A question mark is used when questioning words are added tothe end of a statement. ( question tab)
stella said, "when will the semester ends?"did stella say, "the semester will finish next month"?
A question mark is used after quotation marks if it belongs to the quoted words. it is used uotside the quotation marks if it belongs to the whole sentence.
help me! im going to fall down!what a great news!
the exclamation point is used sparingly in formal writing; it should be used only to show strong feeling.
Final del formulario
The use of the colon (:) and the dash (-)
Essay Lab Activity
Now you have 15 questions that you have to answer. In this exercises the 15th questions are multiple-choice, select the correct answer, you will have 20 minutes to answer them. After you answer you can check.
Show all questions
<= 1 / 10=>
1. Which of the following senteces represent the correct use of The Colon (:) to announce a list?
A. ? The things that I need to bring are:food, potatoes, drinks and napkins.
B. Ok, Correct! These are the things that I need to bring: food, potatoes, drinks and napkins.
C. ? I need to bring for the trip the following things: food, potatoes, drinks and napkins.
Which of the following senteces represent the correct use of The Colon (:) to announces a list?
? On weekends, these are the things I prefer to do: Reeding, Writing, Sleeping
:-) Congratulations! Well Done! These are the things I prefer to do on weekends: Reading, Writing and Sleeping
? What I prefer to do on weekends is: Reading, Writing and Sleeping
Which of the following senteces represent the correct use of The Colon (:) to announces a list?
? On weekends, these are the things I prefer to do: Reeding, Writing, Sleeping
:-) Congratulations! Well Done! These are the things I prefer to do on weekends: Reading, Writing and Sleeping
? What I prefer to do on weekends is: Reading, Writing and Sleeping
Which of the following senteces represent the correct use of The Colon (:) to announces a quotation?
Ok, Correct! So, what I recall is that Mark Said: "I' ve been here for a long time"
? What I recall that Mark said: is that he had been there for a long time
? So, what I recall is something that Mark Said long time ago: " I' ve been here for a while.
Which of the following senteces represent the correct use of The Dash (-) to interrupt or show a sudden break in Throught in the sentence?
? Hey- my friend--come here
? My friend, come here--Hey Tom!, try to arrive earlier.
Ok, Correct! Hey Tom--try to arrive earlier
Which of the following senteces represent the correct use of The Dash (-) to interrupt or show a sudden break in Throught in the sentence?
:-) Congratulations! Well Done! As I was telling you, my mom is very nice--Look! there she is.
? As I was telling you--my mom is very nice.
? My mom is very nice--As I was telling you.
Which of the following senteces represent the correct use of The Dash (-) to set off a parenthetical element?
? It is clear what I want in life--to live in peace.
? Students with a 90 points quotient-- no less than that--will be awarded.
Ok, Correct! Only the students--with 90 point quotient--will be awarded
Which of the following senteces represent the correct use of The Dash (-) to emphasizes an appositive?
? What I want in life is--to live in peace
? It is clear what I want in life--to live in peace.
Ok, Correct! What I want for life to live in peace--is to die.
Which of the following senteces represent the correct use of The Dash (-) to emphasizes an appositive?
:-) Congratulations! Well Done! She only likes one thing--to drink beer.
? The only thing she likes is to drink-- beer.
? the only thing she likes to drink--is beer
Which of the following senteces represent the correct use of The Colon (:) to announce a list?
? The things that I need to bring are:food, potatoes, drinks and napkins.
Ok, Correct! These are the things that I need to bring: food, potatoes, drinks and napkins.
? I need to bring for the trip the following things: food, potatoes, drinks and napkins.
Which of the following senteces represent the correct use of The Colon (:) to announces an explanation?
:-) Congratulations! Well Done! The music was perfect: it was soft, chilli and relaxing.
? The music was perfect: Because it was soft, chilli and relaxing.
? Everything was: soft, chilli and relaxing.
Which of the following senteces represent the correct use of The Colon (:) to announces a list?
? On weekends, these are the things I prefer to do: Reeding, Writing, Sleeping
:-) Congratulations! Well Done! These are the things I prefer to do on weekends: Reading, Writing and Sleeping
? What I prefer to do on weekends is: Reading, Writing and Sleeping
Which of the following senteces represent the correct use of The Colon (:) to announces a quotation?
Ok, Correct! So, what I recall is that Mark Said: "I' ve been here for a long time"
? What I recall that Mark said: is that he had been there for a long time
? So, what I recall is something that Mark Said long time ago: " I' ve been here for a while.
Which of the following senteces represent the correct use of The Colon (:) to announces an explanation?
:-) Congratulations! Well Done! When we arrived there everything was quiet: There wasn't any disturbing sound or the chaos of the city. It was Perfect!
? You can't imagine how perfect to be there it was: There wasn't any disturbing sound or the chaos of the city.
? Everything was perfect quiet there when we arrived: There wasn't any disturbing sound or the chaos of the city. It was Perfect!
Which of the following senteces represent the correct use of The Colon (:) to announces an explanation?
:-) Congratulations! Well Done! When we arrived there everything was quiet: There wasn't any disturbing sound or the chaos of the city. It was Perfect!
? You can't imagine how perfect to be there it was: There wasn't any disturbing sound or the chaos of the city.
? Everything was perfect quiet there when we arrived: There wasn't any disturbing sound or the chaos of the city. It was Perfect!

Friday, February 23, 2007

ALUMNA: Briseida Sánchez M.



Over the last thirty years, playing videogames had become a preferred chilhood leisure activity.Children in our culture grow up playing videogames in the morning, in the afternoon and often in the evening. There are some kind of videogames that can be good for children, because may be a friendly way of introducing children to computers, and may increase children's hand-eye coordinatioon and attention to detail, but in spite of, parents think that playing videogames may not good for children, they responded with concern about the possible ill effects of the games on children. In fact, videogames may be harmful to children for three reasons:videogames may affect some children's physical funcionating, may lead to poor academic performance and may cause negative effects in children's personalities.
First of all, videogames may affect some children's physical funcionating. Research has documented negative effects of videogames on children's physical health, including obesity, video-induced seizures, and postural, muscular and skeletal disorders, such as tendonitis, nerve compression, carpal tunnel syndrome, triggering epileptic seizures, heart rate and blood pressures changes. However, these effects are not likely to ocurr for most children. The research date suggests that parents should be most concerned about two things: the amount of time that children play and the content of the games that they play.
Second, videogames may lead to poor academic performance. If children spend too many hours playing videogames each day, when they try to do their homework, probably they will be tired.Also they careless their homework and they couldn't conclude their homework on time. Consequently, they will not learn their lessons and could even fail in school.
Finally, videogames may cause negative effects in children's personalities . Violent videogames can:lead to antisocial behavior in children, lead to delinquency, teach children that using violence is an appropiate way to solve problems, allow players to become emotionally involved with their character and take joy in violence.In addition, videogames play on the user's emotions and can be quite addictive.
In conclusion, if children playing videogames too much time, their health and their personalities can be harmed. Futhermore,their progress in their school can be affected. Therefore, parents should limit the time to play videogames and also to select careful the videogames contents that they play.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

At the moment of teaching English as a second language to high school students,it has to take into account the motivation as a relevant factor into the learning process of any language. According to Crookes and Schmidt (1991) document on line, "Motivation has been identified as the learner's orientation with regard to the goal of learning a second language". It is well known that students who are most successful when learning a foreign language are those who like the people that speak the language, admire the culture and have a desire to become familiar with that language. However, nowadays some teachers consider that teaching English is a matter of writing some grammar rules on a blackboard and memorizing some verbs or repeating some phrases, without taking to account that this way of teaching English may turn into a boring experience for teenagers. In order to make an interesting class in an interactive and dynamic way without monotony, teachers need to put a great deal of thought into developing programs which maintain to the students interested and then they will get more goals. To do so, it is advisable to plan the class, to make dynamic strategies and use audiovisual aids.
First of all,teachers must gain the learner's attention by planning stimulating. Teachers must design a great variety of teaching strategies adapted to the necessities of high school students in order to keep their attention, in a confident enviroment to obtain as a result the satisfaction of the teenagers. An excellent stimulating activity, could be some form of reward for students when they do their works well, for example, a reward can be candies, stickers, gifts like pencils, an eraser a little or making them happy by showing that the teacher see their effort to succeed teenagers feel far more motivated to come to classes, to participate and as they see that their teacher loves them and values their effort also students feel rewarded when teacher say Congratulations! this is excellent work! or something like that in the class book at the same times parents can take notice of them too.
Second of all, there are a lot of dynamic strategies like games, songs,workshops, speeches,etc, that increase the student's motivation. For instance, when students sing or translate their favorite song, they feel identified with the content or the topic of that song and also they get familiar with some phrases and, while they obtain a meaningful learning of English language. Also, the speeches serve to encourage the teenager to speak without fear to mistakes and the same thing happens with games because teachers can use this strategy to explain some grammar rules in a very interactive way in order to the student participate in all the activities. The dynamic strategies serve to turn a class into a funny ecperience. In a friendly enviroment for high school students which is very profitable for the teacher, because teachers cath the attention of the young students by stimulating while student feel pleasant.
Third, there are different audiovisual aids as computers, DVD player, CD player and overhead projector, etc. that can help the teacher to make a more dynamic class. Also, these resources can let the high school student opportunity to learn a foreign language in an interesting way without monotony. For high school students is easier to relate an image, a movie, or music and read a grammatical structure. But the audiovisual aids are also profitable for teachers as a tool; for instance if a teacher has a strategy as a role-play and teacher can take photos which later are given to them or film the situation and the students and teachers may watch the video together and share opinions about their performances in order to create a narrrow link between teachers, students trough and audiovisual aid.
All these experiences before reading show us how important is planning the class; make dynamic strategies and the use of audiovisual aids. Into the process of motivate our students to learn a second language. Remember what Crookes and Schmidt said "Motivation has been identified as the learner's orientation with regard to the goal of learning a second language". In simpler terms motivation is the key for learners of a language it doesn't matter what language is.

BODY PARAGRAPH (5th draft)

At the moment of teaching English as a second language to high school students,it has to take into account the motivation as a relevant factor into the learning process of any language. According to Crookes and Schmidt (1991), "Motivation has been identified as the learner's orientation with regard to the goal of learning a second language". It is well known that students who are most successful when learning a foreign language are those who like the people that speak the language, admire the culture and have a desire to become familiar with that language. However, nowadays some teachers consider that teaching English is a matter of writing some grammar rules on a blackboard and memorizing some verbs or repeating some phrases, without take into account that this way of teaching English may turning into a boring experience for teenagers. In order to make an interesting class in an interactive and dynamic way without monotony. teachers need to put a great deal of thought into developing programs which maintain the students interested and then they will obtain more goals. To do so, it is advisable to plan the class, to make dynamic strategies and the audiovisual aids.
First of all, teachers must gain the learner's attention by planning stimulating activities and using a variety of teaching strategies. Teachers must design a great variety of teaching strategies adapted to the necessities of high school student in order to keep their attention, in a confident enviroment to obtain as a result the satisfaction of the teenagers. An excellent teaching strategy, could be some form of reward for students when they do their work well,for example, a reward can be candies, stickers, gifts like pencils, an eraser a little or making them happy by showing that the teacher see their effort to succeed teeenagers feel far more motivated to come class, to participate and as they see that their teacher loves them and values their effort also students feel rewarded when they teacher say Congratulations¡. This is excellent work¡ or something like that in the class book and at the same time parents can take notice of them too.
Second of all, there are a lot of dynamic strategies like games, songs, workshop, speeches, etc, that increase their motivation. For instance, when students sing or translate their favorite song, they feel identified with the content or the topic of that song and also they get familiar with some phrases and while they get a meaningful learning of English language. Also, the speeches serve to encourage the teenager to speak without fear to commit mistakes and the same thing happens with games because teachers can use this strategy to explain some grammar rules in a very interactive way in class into a funny experience .In a friendly enviroment for high school students which is a very profitable for the teacher, because teachers catch the attention of the young students by simulating while the students feel pleasant.
Third, there are different audiovisual aids as computers, DVD player, CD player and overhead projector, etc, that can help the teacher to make a more dynamic class. Also, these resources can let the high school student opportunity to learn a foreign language in an interesting way without monotony. For high school students it easier to relate an image, a movie, or music and read a grammatical structure. But the audiovisual aids are also profitable for teachers as a tool.For instance if a teacher has a strategy as a role play and teacher can take photos which later are given to them or film the situation and the students and teachers may see the video together and share opinions about their performances in order to create a narrow link between teachers, students trough and audiovisual aid.

Thursday, January 25, 2007


At the moment of teaching English as a second language to high school students, it has to take into account the motivation as a relevant factor into the learning process of any language. acording to ( Crookes and Schmidt, 1991), "Motivation has been identified as the learner's orientation with regard to the goal of learning a second language". It is well known that students who are most successful when learning a foreign language are those who like the people that speak the language, admire the culture and have a desire to become familiar with that language. However, nowadays some teachers consider that teaching English as a foreign language is a matter of writting some grammar rules on a blackboard and memorizing some verbs or repeating some phrases, without take into account that this way of teaching English may turn into a boring experience for young students. In order to make an interesting class in an interactive and dynamic way without monotony, teachers need to put a great deal of thought into developing programs which maintain to the students interested and then they will obtain more goals. Therefore, it is advisable to plan the class, to make dynamic strategies and use audiovisual aids.

Fisrt of all, teachers must gain the learner's attention by planning stimulating activities and using a variety af teaching strategies. Teachers must design a great variety of teaching strategies adapted to the necesities of high school students in order to keep their attention, in a confident enviroment to obtain as a result the satisfaction of the teenagers and at the same time, the teachers may get result and students may be able to do good things at the end of the lesson that they couldn't do before that class.

Second of all, there are a lot of dynamic strategies like games, songs, workshops, speeches,etc. that can provideto develop the student's speaking skills and increasing their motivation. for instance, when students sing a song, they are developing different skills and also they get familiar with some phrases and, at the same time, they get a meaningful learning of English language. Also, the speeches improve their speaking abilities without fear to commit mistakes and the same thing happens with games because teachers can use their strategy to explain some grammar rules in order to motivate their students to participate in all the activities.

third, there are different audiovisual aids as computers, DVD player, CD player and overhead projector,etc. that can help the teacher to make a more dynamic class. Also, these resources can contribute to improve the student's abilities and let them the opportunity to learn a foreign language in an interesting way without monotony. For high school students is easier to relate an image, a movie, oral music and read a grammatical structure. For instance, Prof. Gómez A. who graduated as an English professor, used to bring a CD player to the university in order to plays any song that contained new vocabulary or some grammar structures related to each one lesson in class.
Teachers should select the resources very carefully because if the teacher dosen't choose the adequate resource, it mighy be hard to capture the teenagers attention and also they loss the motivation of learning English.It must create a narrow link between the student and the audiovisual aids in order to get positive results.

Friday, January 12, 2007


Some teachers consider that teach English as a foreign language for teenagers is a matter of writing some grammar rules on a blackboard and memorizing some verbs or repeat some phrases, however this way of teaching English may turn into a boring experience for students because they loss motivation which result very difficult for a teacher to catch the attention or the students. The teacher should get the attention of the students, in order to make the class more interesting and the way to achieve that, it's teaching in an interactive and dynamic way. Therefore, it is audiovisual aids to agree on Callum Robertson (2006), who he sdays, "what ever the level of the experience, it's important that all teachers take time trough their lesson before they enter the classroom"...this is a very important point to take into account because teachers needs to identify his o her aims for each class they must know what it is they want their students to be able to do at the end of the lesson that they couldn't do before that class. Planning should give the teacher the opportunity to predict possible problems and therefore consider solutions, in order to be prepared for any situation.
Second of all, there a lot dynamic strategies like games, role plays, workshops, speeches, etc. that can provide to develop their speaking skills and increasing their motivation, for instance, when the students develop a roleplay their speaking fluency increase and also they are going to get familiar with some phrases and at the same time they are geting a significant learning of English language, also the speeches improve their speaking abilities without fear to commit mistakes.
Regarding to audiovisual aids like computer,DVD player, CD player and overhead projector etc.are the most important tools for an English teacher, because for young people is easier to relate an image, a movie or a song with a grammatical structure. These resources can contribute to improve the student's abilities and also let them the opportunity to learn a foreign language in an interesting and fresh way without monotony. Teachers have to select the resource very carefully by the contrary, if the teacher doesn't choose the adequate resource might be hard to capture the student's attention and also loss their motivation it must create a narrow link between the student and the audiovisual aid in orde to get a positive answer.

Friday, December 15, 2006


"Teaching English as a foreign language to high school students is not a matter of writing some grammar rules on a blackboard and memorizing some verbs,although these are important activities that can not be ignored"...It is well known that this said before it is hapenning nowadays,but this way of teaching English as a foreign language may turn into a boring experience for students, because they loss motivation, which result very dificult for a teacher to catch the attention of the students.The teacher should get the attention of the students and the way to achieve that is by teaching and interactive and dynamic class.Therefore,it is advisable to plan the class applying dynamic strategies support in audio-visual aims .
First of all,the planning has a significative role, because manage the teaching process to produce the results that one wants. The teacher should organize and select the contents, materials,techniques related with the program, with the finality that every student research all their potencially and actitude increase the effective in the teaching process.
Second,there are a lot of dynamic strategies like games,roleplays,work shop,speeches.All these strategies contribute to improve their speaking skills and increasing their motivation.For instance,when the students develop a roleplay ,their speaking fluenty increase and also they are going to get familiarize with some phrases,and at the same time to get a significant learning of English language.
Finally,the audiovisual aids like computer,dvd,cd player,overhead projector,etc,are the most important tools for an english teacher because for young people is easier to relate an image or a song with a content ,this resources can contribute to improve the students abilities and also let them the opportunity to learn with facility gramatical structures in an interesting and fresh way without monotony .It's important to take into account to get good result teachers have to select carefully the resources by the contrary if a teacher don't select a good resource may be difficult to concentrate the students attention and loss their motivation.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006



..."Teaching a foreign language to high school students is not a matter of writing some grammar rules on a blackboard and memorizing some verbs,although,those are important activities that can not ignore"...But,most of the time this learning process may turn into a bring experience for student.Due to,its important to take into account other strategies in order to catch the attention and help the student to develop their learning skills,like listening,speaking,reading and writing.Therefore,it's advisable to use Audio-visual resources,group dynamics,and a good planning,because these factors can improve teaching English as a second language.